Promotional Items: How Businesses Can Benefit from the Latest BPMA Industry Survey

Our company is part of the British Promotional Merchandise Association which gives industry standard regulations for the promotional products industry in the UK. They recently released the results of how promotional products impact businesses and consumers today.

BPMS Industry Research 2013 Survey Background

1,000 respondents (where 52% were aged 30-49) from IT, retail, services, insurance, charity and education sectors where interviewed in December 2012, by BPMA and an independent research agency, to find out how promotional items affect consumers’ response towards businesses who offer them. The study further analysed which promotional products were the most effective in eliciting the most positive response. Here are 4 lessons we learned from this study:

1.) Promotional items are welcomed positively and are still effective tools for brand recall

Here’s a summary of survey results that tallied common responses from promotional merchandise recipients: – 94.1% Do not forget the advertiser/product after they have had the promotional item for more than six months – 66.6% Generally keep promotional products if they are practical – 46.1% Generally like receiving products that have an advertising message *multi answers were possible

2.) Promotional products are as effective as TV advertising but only take a fraction of the cost

BPMA asked respondents which of the following media were effective in making them remember a product, brand or service: – 39% TV garnered the top spot – 35% Promotional merchandise followed – 10% Print and Online split – 5% Direct Mail was last

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3.) Promotional products are still the best motivators for purchase decisions

Respondents were asked which of the following advertising media were the most effective in getting them to take action: – 50.7% Promotional Products got the top spot – 19.4% Went to TV – 11.2% Went to Online Ads – 9.8% Print (newspapers/magazines) – 8.9% Direct Mail

4.) Recipients were most likely to pick a promotional product if it’s USEFUL and ATTRACTIVE

The study asked respondents what actions are they most likely to take if free promotional items were being given at an event: – 53.9% “I would get the promotional item if it’s useful.” – 20.2 “I would get it regards of the product” – 17.4% “I would get the product if it’s attractive”

5.) The Top Promotional Products for Brand Recall are Mugs, Pens and USB sticks (storage device)

Lastly, respondents also clarified which promotional products (if they are useful) will enable brand recall, and help retain an advertising message: – 47.1 % Mugs – 47.1% Pens – 40.6% USB Stick – 36.7% Calendar – 35.2% Diary or Notebook

As part of the promotional marketing industry we are happy to see that promotional products are still getting the recognition they deserve for being one of the most effective tools for marketing any business. It doesn’t matter if you’re one of the Fortune 500 or a small startup, anybody can reap the benefits of using promotional items in their marketing arsenal. They’re not only cost effective, but they are the most positive means to create and maintain lifelong customer relationships.

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